En Desert in spite of water

Desert in spite of water

15.06.1998 - 00:00 | Son Güncellenme:

Desert in spite of water

Desert in spite of water

       Turkey's grand dream GAP region and Harran Valley faces to become desert because of uneducation. The experts wran that unless urgent measures are taken the Harran Valley and the GAP region will become desert maximum in eight years.
       Milliyet Daily has cooperated with TEMA to examine the problems and improvements in GAP region. Sanlıurfa governor Sehabettin Harput stated that he is very sorry that the soil becomes barren and said "Our soil is lost because of watering. We don't have the authority. There are 7 or 8 units in the region, however since they can not coordinate the problems get bigger. It preys on my concscience."
       The biggest problem of GAP reigon, which was also discussed in the latest National Security Board meeting is the over watering of the soil by the uneducated villagers that the soil gets salty.
       No production can be made on the lands that are salted. In the lands abondoned by the villagers, the salt can be seen clearly obvious on the soil. Re-production demands too much time and money. This is why the villagers are very angry with the officials.